Smart India Hackathon 2022

26 August 2022

It’s a moment of honour for Tarento as our Technology Lead Sri Vathsa and Technical Architect Vinu kumar were invited by the Ministry of India for the judging & mentorship panel of Smart India Hackathon Software Edition 2022. Held at one of the Nodal Centres, JSS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY (JSS S&TU), Mysuru, from Aug. 25 to Aug. 26, our technology leaders got an opportunity to take up the role as Nodal Center appointed experts from the Industry for 3 different problem statements (RK780, RK782, RK783) which were related to the use-cases in the Sunbird Ecosystem and the Diksha system.


Smart India Hackathon is a nationwide initiative to provide students a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face daily, thus inculcating a culture of product innovation and a problem-solving mindset. The event was extremely successful in promoting innovation and out-of-the-box thinking in young people, especially engineering students from all around India.

The university and the SIH-2022 Nodal Team recognized and felicitated the panelists for their extended support as Industry experts and as the Jury. Guiding and evaluating the students with their software solutions, they supported students throughout the Hackathon with suggestions as well as solutions.


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