We at Tarento respect your personal privacy and want you to feel comfortable with how your personal information is processed. Below is a description about how Tarento handles information about you, for what purpose, the legal basis, data retention and your rights concerning your personal data.

1. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

Tarento Group AB and sub organisations are responsible for the data being used in a secure and correct way according to regulations and intended use.

To ensure that the personal data entrusted to us is used according to this policy and regulations, Tarento have a Data Protection Officer, DPO.

DPO Contact information is: gdpr@tarento.com or Tarento AB, Att. Data Protection Officer, Målargatan 7, 111 22 Stockholm, Sweden.

2. Who’s personal data are we processing?

Tarento is processing personal data for the following different stakeholders:

Candidates: People applying for available jobs at Tarento. This group includes those who actively applied for a job, who sent an open application to Tarento or potential candidates that we have contacted.

Employees: Employees or former employees at Tarento Group AB, and subsidiary organisations.

Suppliers: Contacts at companies from where we purchase services and products.

Customers: Contacts at companies that purchase our services and products.

Potential customers: Contacts at companies we approach for marketing purposes.

Other stakeholders: Persons who do not belong to any of the above categories but who we have contact with for various reasons. This may be a reference for a candidate, emergency contact for an employee (close relative) or persons we have contact with in different forums such as salespeople from other companies where we are not customers, professionals in a network etc.

Depending on the category of stakeholder, we treat types of personal data in different ways for various reasons.

2.1 Candidates
2.1.1 Purpose for processing personal data
  • Manage your application for vacant jobs, meaning we might evaluate your skills.
  • Offer you a job, provide you with personal offers, information or invitations that we consider to be of interest for you by email, digital and/or social media.
  • Ongoing communication about the job you applied for.
2.1.2 What type of data will be collected?

These are examples of types of data that might be collected:

  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Mobile phone number
  • Competences and previous experience, obtained through the recruiting process.
  • Photograph, if you included one in your resume.
  • Social security number, if you are a final candidate in a process, we need to ensure your identity.
  • In some cases, in connection with a recruitment process, we may obtain a background check of you. This contains information about income, cases at tax authority or enforcement service, marital status, driving license, court cases and possible verdict. Before we collect that information, you will seek your written approval. Please note that the above information is not stored with us.
  • Other personal data you choose to share in your resume and any other uploaded documents*.
  • Tarento advises you not to disclose sensitive personal data regarding ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or philosophical conviction; membership of a trade union, health information and gender data. We reserve the right, without your consent, to delete all of the above information, as well as personal data concerning anyone other than you.
2.1.3 How did we collect your personal data?
  • Information received from you when applying for a job.
  • Information collected from external sources, as part of the recruitment process.
  • Information you have e-mailed, called in to us in any scenario where you have provided contact information for future contact with us.
  • Information collected during any interviews.
  • Information we have received from you by visiting our website and/or responding to marketing activities.
2.1.4 With whom do we share the information?

We work with consulting services, which means that we share relevant information about you with our clients when providing consultancy services. You approval to share this information will be sought on a regular basis.

Your personal information may also be disclosed when required by law, such as, for example, the Discrimination Act or the Data Protection Authority.

2.1.5 What are your rights?

Right to amend and delete your personal data

If you have sent us your profile when applying for a job you can at any time ask us to remove your profile from our internal recruitment processes.

You are entitled to request that we correct or delete information that is incorrect or incomplete.

Right to object

You are entitled to object to the use of your personal data.

Access to your personal data

You are entitled to review which information that we handle about you.

2.1.6 For how long do we keep the personal data?

We have routines for deleting personal data depending on our data retention policies. This information includes applications, profiles or notes from interviews. We will keep personal data for 24 months due to the provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Act.

2.2 Suppliers
2.2.1 Purpose for processing personal data

The personal data we process regarding our suppliers are those we need to be able to maintain our professional relationships. This may apply to personal data regarding key account managers, customer service, support, finance department or other key personnel.

2.2.2 What type of data will be collected?
  • Name
  • Role/title
  • Phone number (work)
  • E-mail (work)
2.2.3 How did we collect your personal data?
  • We have received the information from you.
  • We have received the information from your employer or colleague.
  • We have found the information on your company’s website.
2.2.4 With whom do we share the information?

Your personal information is used in our organisation so that we can maintain our business relationship with you as a supplier.

If any external party would ask for any recommendation about companies in your company’s line of business, we may share your contact information.

2.2.5 What are your rights?

Correction and deletion of personal data

You are entitled to request that we correct or delete information that is incorrect or incomplete. If you have changed position at the company or ended your employment and if we have received a new contact, we will be pleased if you share this information with us.

Access to your personal data

You are entitled to review which information that we handle that applies to you or your company.

2.2.6 For how long do we keep the personal data?

As long as you are an important person for us through our professional relationship, we will save your information. If it comes to our knowledge that you have a different role within your company or you have changed employer, your personal data will be deleted.

2.3 Customers or potential customers
2.3.1 Purpose for processing personal data

Customer: If you work as a contact person at one of our customers, we process certain personal data in order to maintain our professional relationship, as well as comply with Swedish legislation, for example accounting and tax legislation.

Potential Customers: In order to offer our services to companies that do not know us, we collect contact information for key people in companies we want to be able to contact and use for marketing purposes.

2.3.2 What type of data will be collected?
  • Name
  • Role/title
  • Phone number (work)
  • Email address (work)
  • Notes about our cooperation
2.3.3 How did we collect your personal data?
  • Information we have received from you.
  • Information we have received from your employer or colleague.
  • Information we have received from you by visiting our website and/or responding to marketing activities.
  • Information we have found on the Internet.
2.3.4 With whom do we share the information?

Your personal information is used in our organization so that we can maintain or create a business relationship.

We share your personal information with third-party vendors, that we hire to provide services on our behalf (such as administrative, market related or other services), when required for the purpose of managing our relationship or for us to process you as a potential customer. These third party providers may not use your personal information for their own purposes, which we have regulated in agreements with these suppliers.

2.3.5 What are your rights?

Correction and deletion of personal data

Customer: You are entitled to request that we correct or delete information that is incorrect or incomplete. If you have changed position at the company or have ended your employment and if we have received a new contact, we will be pleased if you share this information with us. As a contact for purchasing, we can not delete your personal information at all, as your information may need to be saved in invoices and accounting for 7 years due to the Accounting Act.. **Potential customer:**If you do not want to be included in our records as a potential customer, you can notify us.

Access to your personal data

You are entitled to review which information that we handle that applies to you or your company.

2.3.6 For how long do we keep the personal data?

Customer: If you, as a representative of a company, have ordered services from us, and your name has been the reference used for the current assignment, we will save your personal data for seven (7) years to comply with the Accounting Act.

Customer and potential customer: We are continuously updating our records. This means that we continuously work with an updated and up-to-date record with current and accurate contact information. This will happen through contact with you by phone, email, social media and in personal meetings.

2.4 Other stakeholders
4.4.1 Purpose for processing personal data

Under the category Other stakeholders, all individuals who do not belong to any of the other categories are stored. This group can consist of references in an employment process, a contact in a professional network, salespeople from other companies, etc. It is therefore difficult to describe and cover exactly the purpose or processing in every case. Below, we have some examples.

  • References in an employment procedure.

When we have a candidate for a service, we contact references who can provide information about how the candidate has performed in previous engagements. In order for us to contact the reference, we need the name and phone number. In most cases, we also need to know which role the reference have at the company and what relationship he/she had with the candidate (e.g. manager).

  • Emergency contacts / closest relatives to employees.

When someone is employed at Tarento, we will ask for an emergency contact, i.e. a close relative of the employee, who we can contact if something happens during work hours or work travels.

  • People who contact us on social media, phone, website and/or by mail.

If you as an individual have contacted us with a question or other matters, we may save your personal information in order to contact you later.

  • Collaborators, colleagues in our industry, salespeople and key people in other companies, professionals in the network, media contacts etc. We may save your contact information for future communication. Tarento must be able to save this information in order to effectively operate on the market as well as create relationships that promote our and other companies growth.
2.4.2 What type of data will be collected?

The personal data we may collect regarding you:

  • Name
  • Role/title
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Other personal information you provided to us in your communication with us.
2.4.3 How did we collect your personal data?
  • Information received from job applicants for reference purposes.
  • Information received from you personally, by mail or business card.
  • Information received from your employer or colleague.
  • Information received from you when you have asked us to contact you, or if you have contacted us by phone, social media, website or personal mailboxes.
  • Information received from in our own individual networks, or 3rd party services.
2.4.4 With whom do we share the information?
  • Personal data relating to individuals, we are more restrictive and generally do not share this information with anyone outside Tarento.
  • Personal data relating to professional contacts, we are not as restrictive in sharing business network contacts in order to promote business and business growth.
  • Personal data for company representatives we do not consider to be as sensitive to privacy as personal data about individuals.
  • Tarento occasionally use third party providers that we engage to provide services on our behalf (such as administrative, market-related or other services) for the purpose of handling contacts with other stakeholders. These third party providers may not use your personal information for their own purposes, which we have regulated in agreements with these suppliers.
2.4.5 What are your rights?

Correction and deletion of personal data You are entitled to request that we correct or delete information that is incorrect or incomplete. If we have no purpose to keep your personal data, we will delete it. In some cases we may keep the data, even though you ask us to delete it, for example if you have been referrals in an application. We will then follow the legal basis, legitimate interest, to keep your data for 24 months due to the provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Act. Access to your personal data You are entitled to review which information that we handle that applies to you or your company.

2.4.6 For how long do we keep the personal data?

References in a recruitment process We save the contact detail of the reference person as well as the reference notes, together with the applicants other documents for 24 months due to the provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Act.

Emergency contacts / closest relatives to employees Saved as long as someone is employed. The employee is responsible for ensuring that the information is correct and up to date.

People who contact us on social media, phone, website, chat and by e-mail Saved as long as it is needed to enable and maintain communication.

Collaborators,colleagues in our line of business, salespeople and key people in other companies, professionals in the network, media contacts and others Information is saved as long as it is needed.

2.5 Lawful basis

In order for us as a company to be able to save different individuals personal data, we must have a legal basis. If we have no legal basis, we can not process your personal information. There are six legal bases under the GDPR and there are four that are relevant to us:

  • Approval/Consent – You as a person have given us your explicit permission to handle your personal information for certain purposes that you have clearly received information about. This should be useful in writing. You can withdraw your consent at any time and then we must end the specific processing of your personal data.
  • Agreement – You have entered into an agreement with us. We may process your personal data to comply with the terms of the agreement.
  • Legal obligation – We as a company must handle your personal information in order to comply with other legislation.
  • Legitimate Interest – Our interest in processing your personal data is heavier than your interest and the risk of violation of your personal integrity is very small.
2.5.1 On which lawful basis do we base the processing of your personal data?

Candidates You give your approval that we may process your personal data, for example when handling your application or if a background check is needed. Legitimate interests is also the lawful basis since processing is necessary when evaluating potential/future employees.

Suppliers and Customers In cases where you purchase a service, we have an agreement as the lawful basis. However, if the agreement expires we still have to handle certain information regarding the purchasing party for a further seven (7) years after the performance of the service, according to Swedish law. Legal Obligation is the lawful basis in this case.

Potential customers For marketing purposes we may process personal data of employees at a potential customer. Lawful basis is legitimate interest.

Other interest groups The legal basis for processing personal data for this group may vary depending on the type of contact we have encountered. In most cases, we will initially use legitimate interest as a legal basis. If we see that the individual whose personal data we handle is within one of the other interest groups, the legal basis applicable to that group will apply.

2.6 Cookies

We use “cookie” technology on our website to learn more about the way you interact with the content on the website but also to enhance and facilitate your visit to the website.

Cookies are small text files, created by the website, that contain data. They are stored on your computer to give you access to various functions. The cookies identify you as a unique user and store your personal preferences and technical information. For some of the functions within the website, Tarento uses third party suppliers, for example when you visit a page with videos embedded from or links to YouTube. These videos or links (and any other content from third party suppliers) may contain third party cookies and you may wish to consult the policies of these third party websites for information regarding their use of cookies.

The website also uses Google Analytics which, in turn, uses cookies. At the aggregate level, these cookies store information how visitors use the website, including the number of pages displayed, where you come from, and the number of visits, to improve the website and ensure a good user experience. Cookies do not themselves contain or reveal any personal information. We will not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about you. However, if you submit personal information via the website information, this can be linked to the data stored in the cookies.

Please note that most browsers automatically accept cookies so if you do not wish cookies to be used, you may need to actively delete or block the cookies. If you do not accept Tarentos use of cookies you may change your browser settings so that the browser does not accept cookies (instructions on how to change your browser’s cookie settings should be found in the help section in your web browser). Note, however, that if you change the settings you will not be able to access certain parts of our website.

For information on the use of cookies in mobile phone browsers and for details on how to reject or delete such cookies, please refer to your mobile phone manual.

2.7 Contact

If you would like to contact us at Tarento regarding your personal information, you can send an e-mail to gdpr@tarento.com. In the same e-mail you can:

  • Request to have a registry extract, request change or deletion of your personal information.
  • Please report if you suspect that your personal information has in any way been unauthorized by our or our third parties processing.
  • Submit comments or suggestions regarding our Privacy Notice.
  • Ask questions about our processing of your personal data.

Would you rather contact us by mail, send your mail to Tarento AB, Målargatan 7, 111 22 Stockholm, Sweden. Mark your letter with “Data Protection Officer”.

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